Modeling the Relationship among Digital Demographic Characteristics, Digital Literacy, and Academic Performance of Mathematics Major Students in an Online Learning Environment
Digital literacy, digital demographic characteristics, mathematics academic performance, online learning, path analysisAbstract
The purpose of the study was to determine the digital demographic characteristics, digital literacy, and academic performance of students majoring in mathematics in an online learning environment, as well as to model the relationships between these variables. To measure and obtain the necessary data, the study employed a predictive-correlation research design and an adapted research questionnaire. A survey was conducted with a random sample of 322 students from the main and external campuses of the state university of interest. A series of regressions and path analyses were conducted to explore any significant variables that could possibly describe the relationships among the studied variables. Principally, the study found that the levels of information research, retrieval, and management completely and significantly mediated the relationships among the availability of technological devices, use of an electronic learning platform, and students' academic mathematics performance. In the model validation, the second model demonstrated the consistency of variables such as information research and retrieval and information management literacy in indirectly influencing the relationships between technology device availability and academic performance. A study may be conducted in conjunction with this study, to use the model devised in this study in other locales to further validate the model's overall consistency.
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