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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The contribution must be original (not published in another journal or any other media).
  • The file is sent in Microsoft Word format or RTF, without personal data or metadata (properties of the document)
  • Where available, URLs and DOIs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced, font size is Arial 12 points, italics are used instead of undelining (except URL addresses).  All illustrations, figures and tables are within the text in the place they have to be and not at the end of it.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines


All manuscripts should follow the guidelines. The full manuscript should be presented in a Word document  or RTF.  OpenOffice and PDF are not accepted. All details of personal identification must be absent from the manuscript itself.

Recommendation on the sex variable
Authors are recommended to include, whenever possible, the gender variable and to report on whether possible gender differences have been taken into account in the conclusions.


Colleagues interested in submitting a paper for publication in Ambigua are requested to ensure that all the requirements specified are observed in their manuscript.

1. Title. It should be written in the same language as it is the article. Ambigua invites contributions in the following languages: Spanish, Catalan, Galician, Basque, French, English, German, Italian and Portuguese.

2. Abstract and key words. Contributions should include an abstract in Spanish and in English (250-300). If the language of the contribution is not Spanish, there should be a third abstract written in the same language as the article. The abstracts must follow the format IMRaD format: Introduction, Methods, Results and Discussion. Just below the abstract, there must be a list of 6 to 10 key words in English and Spanish

3. Language. Manuscripts are to be submitted in Spanish, French, English, German, Italian and Portuguese, Catalan, Galician and Basque.

4. Length. For articles: 30,000-50,000 characters, spaces included; for book reviews: 5,000-15,000 characters, spaces included.

General stylistic, structural and formatting guidelines

1. Font, size and type of letter

- Font: Arial

- Type: round.  Only the title should be in bold type.  Italics are only used for the titles of books, journals, newspapers, works of art, and foreign words.  Do not underline words not full sentences.

- Manuscripts: size 12

- Books cited: size 11

- Indented quotations: size 11

- Footnotes: size 10

- Tables: size 10

- Title: in bold letters, size 16 (centered).  The title shall be centered at the top of the page on which the text begins. Do not italicize your title or capitalize it in full. Capitalize only the first letter of the first word and of all significant words (nouns, adjectives, verbs and adverbs if the article is in English). The title should not carry a reference to a footnote.

- Author: Author’s name has to be size 14 in bold (under the title, align right).

- Institutional affiliation: size 12 (under the author’s name).

- E-mail address: size 11 (under the Institutional Affiliation).

2. Margins. Those pre-established by the Word processor used.

3. Interlineal space: single

4. Paragraphs are always justified, the first line is indented according to the standard Word (1.25cm). Before and after spacing must be set to 0 pt. These rules are not applied in the quotations of more than three lines (cf. infra).

5. Quotarions. All quotations should correspond exactly with the originals and exceptions should be explicitly explained. Ellipsis within quotations: if you delete anything from a quotation, use three spaced periods enclosed  in brackets (…).  Quotations of up to three lines should also be run on in within single quotation marks and do not italize.  Use the quotation marks according to the language the text is written. Longer quotations should be separated from the context, double indented (2.5 cm left margin, and 2 cm right margin) size 11 pt, single interlineal spacing (like in the whole manuscript), 3 pt spacing-before and 6 pt spacing-after.

6. Textual divisions. If any, they must begin from the left margin, not indented and with no period at the end. Headings may be numbered and the use of Arabic numerals is recommended. The first one has to be 0 (followed by one point and one space) for the introduction; further division within a section should follow the same format used for section headings.

7. Punctuation. In general, make your usage as consistent as possible.  Its main purpose is clarity.

8. Footnotes. They should be limited to authorial commentary and must not be used to give bibliographical references.  They should be placed by using the text processor. Raised (superscript) note numbers should be placed next to the word the author wishes to comment upon, and before all punctuation.

9. Works cited. Two different types of documentation will be used: brief parenthetical in-text citations and a works cited list.

9.1. Parenthetical in-text citations. The parenthesis should contain the author's surname followed by a space before the date of publication which should, in turn, be followed by a colon and a space before the page number(s): e.g. (Woolf, 1957: 191-25). If there is more than one author. Woolf, 1957; Gilbert , Gubar, 1985; López, 1991). Parenthetical citations should be placed immediately after each quotation, at the end of a sentence or group of sentences that are all paraphrased from the same page of the same source. Dates of publication within parenthetical references in your text should always correspond to the edition handled in the preparation of your paper

9.2. Works cited list. At the end of your manuscript you should include a list of the works you have cited in your paper.  Do not create a list of bibliography related to the topic of your paper.  Write the name of this section (Works Cited)  in size 11pt, bold type.  Please follow the system of The Chicago Manual of Style in the following web page:


B. You may upload the core document of your research as ‘article text’. Remember that this text will be sent for review and must be anonymised both in metadata and in the header. You can attach other material in the following tabs.

10. Only when the double-blind review process has been passed, i.e. when the paper is accepted and ready for layout, all authors must include their ORCID, as well as their full name, institution and email address. In case of doubt, you can consult the following guide:



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The data controller of the personal data provided for the journals to which Revistas UPO gives access is the journal Ambigua: revista de Investigaciones sobre Género y Estudios Culturales. To consult additional and detailed information on data protection, please contact the journal Ambigua: revista de Investigaciones sobre Género y Estudios Culturales at the address indicated in "about/contact".

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