The High Cultures of Sierra Nevada. Territory and Population. An overview of the ancient residents of La Sierra


  • Nayibe Gutiérrez Montoya Universidad Pablo de Olavide


The groups that constituted the Tairona cultural complex would have reached their maximum technological, social, political and economic development between the years 1100 and 1500. The first Castilians who arrived at the coasts of the region understood them as two differentiated groups, one that occupied the coastal strip and the other located on the north and northwest slopes of the Sierra Nevada. Today we can conclude that those who inhabited the hillsides and mountain heights were closely related to the coastal peoples, and much more linked to the Caribbean See than it had been assumed. It is also a very populated region. The first written testimonies already mention a very high and dense population, and soon the occupants and neighbors of Santa Marta stated that there were between 15,000 and 40,000 natives in those provinces. Peoples in touch, vigorous and numerous.


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Author Biography

Nayibe Gutiérrez Montoya, Universidad Pablo de Olavide

Doctora en Historia de América. Arquitecta e historiadora. Profesora del Departamento de Geografía, Historia y Filosofía de la Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla. Ha sido profesora en varias universidades de Medellín (Colombia) Bolivia, Perú y Gabón. Profesora en los programas de Máster, Doctorado y Postdoctorado en Historia Latinoamericana en la Universidad Pablo de Olavide. Investigadora en varios proyectos de investigación en Brasil, Bolivia, Perú y Colombia, y dos RISE 2020 de la UE, sobre Mundos Atlánticos y Circun-Caribe. Coordinadora del Proyecto de Arquitectura Indígena en la Universidad Nacional de Oriente, Yucatán, México. Especialista en Historia Urbana Latinoamericana, en Arquitectura y Manejo del Espacio en las Comunidades Originaras Americanas, y en Formación y Enseñanza de los Ingenieros y Arquitectos en la América Colonial. Autora de varias publicaciones sobre estas especialidades, con mención especial a su trabajo sobre Arquitectura, espacio y medio ambiente en las sociedades originarias de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, Caribe Colombiano, siglos X al XVI, o “Ingenieros y fortificaciones en el Caribe Ilustrado”.



How to Cite

Gutiérrez Montoya, N. (2019). The High Cultures of Sierra Nevada. Territory and Population. An overview of the ancient residents of La Sierra . Americanía: Revista De Estudios Latinoamericanos, (9), 4–35. Retrieved from


