About the Journal

Aims and Scope

Americania aims to generate a framework for discussion so that researchers and researchers analyze, from a multidisciplinary perspective, the Latin American worlds of the past and present. We propose Americanía as an open and plural academic space that allows researchers from different backgrounds and disciplines to establish a fruitful exchange of the latest scientific advances in the field of Latin American history.

Peer-review process

  • Each submission will be reviewed under scientific methods. It will first pass through our Editorial Board. Then, two external referees will evaluate it by a double blind peer review.
  • In order to evaluate each manuscript, it is compulsory to present a report elaborated by two experts. In case of discrepancy, the Director may ask for a third referee’s review.
  • Reviewers are external to the Publisher and the Editorial Board. Their evaluation will be binding for decision-making.
  • Methodological reviews will be applied on certain articles.
  • Authors may suggest potential reviewers.

Free access policy

Under the principle of granting the free access of the public to research, this journal provides free and immediate access to its content. Therefore, it promotes a major exchange of global knowledge.

The journal Americanía does not charge any taxes for submissions. Neither does it quote for publishing articles.

Free and immediate access

The content of Americanía will be freely available immediately after its publication.

Publication frequency

Americanía: Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos is biannually published.

Legal Disclaimer

Opinions and facts confirmed in every article are exclusively their author’s responsibility. Under any circumstances will Americanía: Revista de Estudios Latinoamericanos be responsible for the authenticity and credibility of the articles.

Anti-plagiarism tools

- Americanía uses Turnintin for plagium detection