The role and identity of Catholic universities in Brazil in the light of the Vatican II Council


  • José Rubens Lima Jardilino Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto
  • Mário Gomes Ferreira Universidade do Estado de Minas Gerais



Vatican II Council, Catholic universities, CNBB, Brazil


The Second Vatican Council (1962 - 1965) made the Church rethink its understanding of its place in the modern world. This research aims to point out the role and identity of Catholic universities in Brazil in the light of the Second Vatican Council. To this end, the research went through three phases: The documentary analysis of Vatican II documents, seeking to point out the discourse on Catholic schools and universities; revision of the guidelines, pronouncements and documents of the Congregation for Catholic Education for Catholic schools and universities; and finally how this set of norms and general guidelines were received and converted into specific guidelines of the Church in Brazil. Researchers contributed to the presentation of the object of this research as (Jardilino, 2003) on the taxonomy of higher education in Brazil; (Esquivel, 2007) which presents the social composition of CNBB and CEA; and others like (Trigueiro, 2000) and (Arduini, 2017). The open question, and the history of the present time, reveals new elements to the identity of the Catholic university in Brazil, with Pope Francis' very current apostolic Constitution Veritatis gaudium that signals this university as the “providential cultural laboratory” capable of reading and interpreting our reality in the “fast running of time” of our present time.


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How to Cite

Lima Jardilino, J. R., & Gomes Ferreira, M. (2024). The role and identity of Catholic universities in Brazil in the light of the Vatican II Council. Americanía: Revista De Estudios Latinoamericanos, (20), 1–22.


