The Bourbon Reformism in Trujillo, Peru

The Extinction of the System of Corregimientos and the Creation of the Northern Intendencies (1770-1784)


  • Frank Díaz Pretel Universidad Nacional de Trujillo



Corregimientos, Colonial Administration, Regional Governments, Local Elites, Peru


The present article aims to study the process of implementation of the system of intendencies in the region of Trujillo at the end of the 18th century, which turned the city of the same name into the capital of a vast territory that covered the north of the viceroyalty of Peru. Therefore, we study the previous provincial administration (the corregimientos), the tests carried out by some visitors, and the definitive establishment of the model, in the selected chronological period (1770-1784). The situation of the northern townships is analysed in its final stage, with emphasis on the case of Trujillo and its corregidor, the Marquis of Bellavista, a member of the local elite who deployed numerous strategies to empower himself in the provincial government. Next, the considerations of Gálvez and Areche are analysed in order to design the new macro-space, in function of the regional reality, the instructions, which would become the axis of the political-administrative reforms, and the definitive implementation of the new regulations, with the immediate effects that this produced.


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Author Biography

Frank Díaz Pretel, Universidad Nacional de Trujillo

Licenciado en Historia por la Universidad Nacional de Trujillo y Maestro en Historia de América Latina por la Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla. En la actualidad se desempeña como Docente de la Universidad Nacional de Trujillo y como Investigador Principal de la Fundación Alfredo Pinillos Goicochea.


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How to Cite

Díaz Pretel, F. (2020). The Bourbon Reformism in Trujillo, Peru: The Extinction of the System of Corregimientos and the Creation of the Northern Intendencies (1770-1784). Americanía: Revista De Estudios Latinoamericanos, (11), 32–55.


