The strategic plan of defense of Arica district and its consequences on the civil-military command during the Anglo-French and Anglo-Spanish diplomatic conflicts (1787-1792)


  • Gerardo Cabrera Universidad de Sevilla



Anglo-French diplomatic conflict, Anglo-Spanish diplomatic conflict, civil-military conflict, District of Arica, military strategy


The diplomatic dispute between France and the Anglo-Prussian Alliance on the Dutch internal political conflict, and the subsequent Anglo-Spanish diplomatic dispute over the Nootka-Sound Bay, were events that forced the Spanish crown to establish a strategic preventive imperial defensive plan. In the case of the Intendancy of Arequipa, its efforts were concentrated in the mobilization of the militias and in the improvement of the defense of the port and city of Arica, directed according to a strategic and tactical defensive plan prepared by the intendant Antonio Álvarez y Jiménez. However, the execution of the defense plan caused an open confrontation between the civilian and military authorities, as also between the veteran official and the militia colonel for the defense command leadership. Because of these consequences, the Bourbon military reforms introduced in Peru, during the second half of the eighteenth century, further polarized political struggle between Creoles and Peninsulares.


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Author Biography

Gerardo Cabrera, Universidad de Sevilla

Titulado de historiador por la Universidad de Tarapacá, Chile. Magíster en Historia Militar y Pensamiento Estratégico por la Academia de Guerra del Ejército de Chile. Doctorando en el Programa de Doctorado en Filosofía por la Universidad de Sevilla, España.


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How to Cite

Cabrera, G. (2021). The strategic plan of defense of Arica district and its consequences on the civil-military command during the Anglo-French and Anglo-Spanish diplomatic conflicts (1787-1792). Americanía: Revista De Estudios Latinoamericanos, (13), 81–105.


