Presentation Presentación nº 28 June 2018




Presentation, History, Accounting


De Computis presents its Volume 15, Number 1 (June 2018) including four doctrinal
papers that have been written by authors from Spain, Italy, and Colombia; and written in
Spanish and English. Two bibliographical comments have also been published in this
issue. One, by Pierre Jinghong Liang (Carnegie Mellon University) of the book by Nohora
García (Universidad Nacional de Colombia) entitled “Understanding Mattessich and
Ijiri: A Study of Accounting Thought”. The other one written by Begoña Prieto
(Universidad de Burgos) of the book by Inmaculada Llibrer Escrig (Universidad Católica
de Valencia) and entitled “Contabilidad y Organización de la Catedral de Valencia en el
Siglo XVI”.
The authors of this issue have been Mercedes Calvo Cruz, (Universidad de las Palmas
de Gran Canaria); Carlos Orlando Rico-Bonilla, (Universidad Santo Tomás, Colombia);
Roberto Rossi, (Università degli Studi di Salerno); and Giovanna Centorrino (Università
di Messina). We thank the authors for choosing De Computis for the publishing their
We also thank the reviewers for their generous work and constructive contribution to the
articles published. The reviewers of the papers published in this issue have been (by
alphabetical order): Filomena Antunes Brás (Universidade do Minho, Potugal); Michele
Bigoni (Universty of Kent, UK); Manoli Dominguez-Orta (Universidad Pablo de Olavide
de Sevilla); Alberto Donoso (Universidad de Sevilla); Delfina Gomez (Universidade do
Minho, Potugal); Jesús López-Manjón (Universidad Pablo de Olavide de Sevilla); Jorge
Tua-Pereda (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid); y Susana Villaluenga (Universidad de
Castilla la Mancha).
As you can see in this issue, some changes of style and presentation of the articles have
been introduced (see for example the first page of each article). With these changes, we
intend to adapt to the models of the databases and bibliographic indexes of the scientific


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez Hidalgo, F. (2018) “Presentation Presentación nº 28 June 2018”, De Computis, 15(1), pp. 1–4. doi: 10.26784/issn.1886-1881.v15i1.323.



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