The magisterium by Luca Pacioli at 500 years of his death

awareness of his role as standard bearer of the commercial and economic Renaissance


  • Esteban Hernández Esteve Banco de España



Luca Pacioli, 500 years of his death, Standard bearer of the commercial and economic Renaissance


The Renaissance has been studied widely. However, the interest of researchers has not been aimed to find out how the economic resources that enabled its emergence were generated. This work discusses the crucial role played by Luca Pacioli as an emblematic figure of what has been named commercial and economic Renaissance.


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How to Cite

Hernández Esteve, E. (2017) “The magisterium by Luca Pacioli at 500 years of his death: awareness of his role as standard bearer of the commercial and economic Renaissance”, De Computis, 14(27), pp. 6–29. doi: 10.26784/issn.1886-1881.v14i27.312.



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