The consolidation of an original practice

the distribution of the refitor`s surplus between the prebendaries of Toledo Catedral (XVI century)




Cathedral, Chapter, Refitor, Charge and discharge, Remuneration system, Surplus


As provided for by internal standard, each year in the cathedral chapter of Toledo was distributed among the prebendaries the excess cash generated in the refitor. The refitor was the office that managed the most important collection of income of the Corporation. In the latter case it was common that the surplus was distributed between the foundation and the professors.

The distribution of the surplus between the prebendaries is a new research topic. The interest is justified initially by the curiosity about this economic behavior, so close to modern payment systems used in the companies. Also, it shows the concern of the chapter cathedral to preserve the economic interests of its members. In this regard, literature production is scarce. There are only certain references in studies of different content, dealing with issues relating to the internal standard, constitutions or charters of these corporations.

The work presented here examines the origin of the refitor surplus of the cathedral of Toledo, the distribution conditions, its object and its evolution during the sixteeth century. From their analysis we conclude that the increase of income of this department was not employed to increase spending, as usual, but to consolidate excess cash for distribution among the prebendaries, in order to increase assistance to the choir, following the doctrine of the Council of Trento. Thus, we will conclude that the surplus rewarded the productivity of existing staff, avoiding destine resources in the creation of new jobs.


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How to Cite

Villaluenga de Gracia, S. (2013) “The consolidation of an original practice: the distribution of the refitor`s surplus between the prebendaries of Toledo Catedral (XVI century)”, De Computis, 10(18), pp. 132–160. doi: 10.26784/issn.1886-1881.v10i18.70.



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