The role of accounting. A socio-phenomenological perspective




Sociology - phenomenological, Accounting, Memory, Function


This document is an article from reflection, which aims to determine the role of the accounting from the sociology-phenomenological of the Austrian Alfred Schütz; which theorizes about the world of everyday life, explaining that there are three kinds of products: instruments, brands and works of art. From Schütz, the accounting is an instrument and a brand. Instrument because it is useful for... and marks because the man wants to remember. This achievement by making use of the writing and the clay, elements that allowed him to manipulate memory, since it has the ability to recall all human actions. With the sociology-phenomenological, determines that accounting arose by the limited capacity of memory to remember all human actions carried out by the man in the world of everyday life and in reference to his economic zone of operation, area which more than 6000 years ago, in Mesopotamia, had achieved a great development with the accumulation, the conception of property the division of labor and the legal aspects; developments that led to the man to order his actions and to achieve more and better information for the control; aspect that achievement with the accounting. In this order of ideas in the article, it is determined that the accounting did not arise to compensate for the failures of memory, but by the limited capacity of the memory for bringing to the present all human actions, especially those of an economic nature.


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How to Cite

Cuenú Cabezas, J. E. (2013) “The role of accounting. A socio-phenomenological perspective”, De Computis, 10(18), pp. 161–182. doi: 10.26784/issn.1886-1881.v10i18.71.



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