The military interventionism in the narrative reporting

The Foundry Workshop ‘Gabilondo’ (Valladolid, 1927-1959)




Attributional bias, Legitimation, Earnings, annual reports, military intervention, Valladolid, Foundry Workshop Gabilondo


In the middle of nineteenth century, the metal industry of Valladolid underwent a significant development due to its strategic location; in 1860 ‘Talleres de Fundición Gabilondo’ (a foundry workshop), whose case is studied in this paper, was founded. The foundry workshops were military intervened for arms production during the Spanish Civil War. This work analyses the narratives of the company from the attributional bias. The results show that the expected positive attributions to the managers are transferred to the ‘Glorious Army’ and ‘Caudillo Franco’ during the period 1936-39. In certain contexts, the narratives are used for attributing positive results to external factors, legitimating ideologies, or behaviors.


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How to Cite

Santos-Cabalgante, B. . and Cañibano Calvo, L. . (2022) “The military interventionism in the narrative reporting: The Foundry Workshop ‘Gabilondo’ (Valladolid, 1927-1959)”, De Computis, 19(2), pp. 1–52. doi: 10.26784/issn.1886-1881.19.2.7492.



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