Review of “O erário régio – as contas e o poder 1762-1833” (“The royal exchequer – accounts and power 1762-1833”), by Manuel Benavente Rodrigues. Mgi editions, Lisbon, 2022


  • Carlos Ferraz Associaçao Portuguesa de Técnicos de Contabilidade (APOTEC)



Presented during the “VIII JORNADA DE HISTÓRIA DA CONTABILIDADE” (Conference on the History of Accounting) of APOTEC's “CECH-Centro de Estudos de História da Contabilidade” (Center for Studies in Accounting History), held on 2022.11.26, in Coimbra, Portugal, the book is based on the author's doctoral thesis. Previously, in his master's thesis, entitled “O Erário Régio e as contas do Reino no ano de 1765: o Poder e a Contabilidade” (The Royal Exchequer and the accounts of the Kingdom in the year 1765: Power and Accounting), he had looked at the Institution. However, now it deals with it in a broader, more systematized and deeper way.


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How to Cite

Ferraz, C. (2023) “Review of “O erário régio – as contas e o poder 1762-1833” (‘The royal exchequer – accounts and power 1762-1833’), by Manuel Benavente Rodrigues. Mgi editions, Lisbon, 2022”, De Computis, 20(2), pp. 48–59. doi: 10.26784/issn.1886-1881.20.2.9469.



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