Consolidated doctrine about the benefit surcharge by omission of safety measures and the incidence of the reckless endangerment


  • Raquel Poquet Catalá UNIR



Increase of benefits, omission, infraction, employer


In this work they are studied the requirements of the increase of Social Security benefits for omission of the security and health measures, especially of the infraction of the security measures by the employer when they take place by omission of the same, as is the case of not giving training, not having carried out risk assessment and not offering any protection to workers, in situations in which the most elementary level of diligence is consciously omitted by the employer.


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How to Cite

Poquet Catalá, R. (2021). Consolidated doctrine about the benefit surcharge by omission of safety measures and the incidence of the reckless endangerment. Lex Social: Journal of Social Rights, 9(1), 451–465.