Legal, technological and commercial scope of the first legislation on the internet of things


  • Adriana Margarita Porcelli Universidad Nacional De Luján



Internet of things, legislation, California, privacy, cybersecurity


The Internet isn´t only a new means of communication, it´s becoming a layer of reality that intervenes in the different types of human relationships: commercial, affective, political, academic, labor and cultural. During the last decades it has evolved so quickly that it covers previously unimaginable aspects. Computers, printers, cell phones, tablets, smart TVs, lights, appliances and even the lock of the houses can be connected to the Internet and be operated remotely for the comfort of the consumer. But it also carries its risks, the Web isn´t and will not be 100 percent safe and people can be victims of all types of crimes. Consequently, it´s necessary to dictate rules that protect personal information and provide greater security in the management of devices connected to the Network.

The present work consists in defining and enumerating the necessary components for the functioning of the ecosystem called Internet of Things and analyze the California Law N ° 327 Information privacy: connected devices. To this end, this article has two parts: the first one, which delimits the conceptual-technological framework, provides examples of different technologies in everyday and business life and the second examines the different principles adopted in Law No. 327 Information privacy: connected devices, and at the same time presents its harshest criticism as well as the arguments in its defense.


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How to Cite

Porcelli, A. M. (2021). Legal, technological and commercial scope of the first legislation on the internet of things. Lex Social: Journal of Social Rights, 9(1), 603–636.