Difficulties for collective bargaining in the field of the special labor relationship of work at the service of the family home





Family home worker, special employment, relationship, collective bargaining, collective agreement, employer association


The Convention No. 189, still pending ratification by Spain, has been a real social trigger for the revision of our special employment relationship of work at the service of the family home. The regulation of collective rights and, especially of collective bargaining, is one of the pending subjects of greatest importance for bringing this relationship closer to the common model of labor relations and the dignity of these workers. This study aims to identify the main problems that hinder, or rather prevent, collective bargaining in the sector. And in line with this, the corresponding reform suggestions are provided, as one of the possible ways of solving such problems.


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How to Cite

Benavente Torres, M. I. . (2021). Difficulties for collective bargaining in the field of the special labor relationship of work at the service of the family home. Lex Social: Journal of Social Rights, 11(1), 534–557. https://doi.org/10.46661/lexsocial.5507

