Smart working and its regulatory future in Spain: proposals from the italian experience


  • José Enrique Ruiz Saura Contratado predoctoral FPU-MEC. Universidad de Murcia



smart working, telecommuting, remote work, collective bargaining, digitization of work


Recently and, above all, since the arrival of the pandemic, interest has increased in implementing alternatives that allow remote work to be carried out. In this sense, smart working represents a clear break with the classic rigidities around a defined work schedule and place. However, as happened at the time with teleworking, the regulation of this reality does not follow a homogeneous development in the countries around us. Proof of this is that Italy, unlike what is happening in Spain, has been generating regulatory content in recent years to regulate smart working, both heteronomously and autonomously. This work aims to address this situation and aspires to make contributions that may be useful for a future regulatory debate on smart working in our country.


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How to Cite

Ruiz Saura, J. E. (2024). Smart working and its regulatory future in Spain: proposals from the italian experience . Lex Social: Journal of Social Rights, 14(1), 1–28.


