Beyond the modern shapes of the equality principle. Notes for a transition


  • José María Seco Martínez universidad Pablo de Olavide



Equality principle, Human Rights, Democracy, Legal Equality, Critical Theory


Equality as an historic process of human emancipation, transcends the strictly legal/formal plane. Furthermore, it is enhanced by the “historic” willingness to democratise society and improve people’s lives. This is the materialistic dimension of the principle of equality, this ethical and historical “willingness” based on the production and development of social justice as a criterion and principle for action. Human rights and democracy, with their fighting practices and traditions, cannot be understood today without the idea of equality as a necessary principle. Human rights have always been linked to processes of reaction against inequalities. They have been and remain a reaction to any kind of oppression and/or domination, because human rights, which are rights and are human, are always actions that refer to human beings in need. The fact that they were formally conceived under the umbrella of normative reasoning does not presuppose that they should be conceived exclusively as individual rights, which demand fulfilment in the future, or even as horizons of possibility (idealistic vision), but as ways of life that make human existence – dignified existence – feasible for all people. The idea of equality is, therefore, not possible without this material judgement of existence.


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How to Cite

Seco Martínez, J. M. (2022). Beyond the modern shapes of the equality principle. Notes for a transition . International Journal of Political Thought, 16, 611–632.



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