Art Nouveau and aesthetic violence against women. Fear of the new woman in Fin de Siècle society: from Salome (by Huysmans) to Lulu (by Widekind).


  • José María Seco Martínez Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, España



aesthetic violence, suffragism, decadetism, expressionism, femme fatale, Art nouveau


In the transition from the 19th to the 20th century, intellectual movements and trends of all kinds (socialism, anarchism, regenerationism, spiritualism, krausopositivism, etc.) converged in Europe, together with artistic trends such as aestheticism, decadentism, symbolism, literary modernism, expressionism, etc., as a reflection of the spiritual state of the time, with an anti-bourgeois and profoundly anti-positivist attitude. This intellectual and cultural hatching is known under the expression "fin de siècle" and is associated with the aesthetic currents, influenced by the Nietzschean philosophy, which will be grouped under the expression "art noveau"; diverse currents among themselves but coinciding in their discriminatory attitude towards women. In this paper we analyze their influence on the birth of a new feminine stereotype, linked to a particularly ominous and exaggerated image of evil, which will end up populating through the artistic and literary bohemia of the time the aesthetic imaginary of the twentieth century. Now the rejection of the new woman takes place in the field of image and words. 


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How to Cite

Seco Martínez, J. M. . (2022). Art Nouveau and aesthetic violence against women. Fear of the new woman in Fin de Siècle society: from Salome (by Huysmans) to Lulu (by Widekind). International Journal of Political Thought, 16, 277–300.



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