From the imperial discourse to the counterpoint theory. Semiological bases for the dialogue among civilizations in edward said’s oeuvre


  • José Cepedello Boiso Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla, España



Intercultural Dialogue, alternative discourses, Gramsci , Foucault , Hegemonic Imperial Discourse, Counterpoint Theory


In this article we show the main ideas of the Palestinian thinker Edward Said about the possibility to establish bases for the Intercultural Dialogue by overcoming the exclusive semiological models, including that offered by the Hegemonic Imperial Discourse. Opposite to theory of cultural conflict between irreconcilable hegemonic structures, as proposed by authors like Samuel P. Huntington with his Clash of Civilizations paradigm, Edward Said advocates to promote discursive bases that facilitate coexistence, dialogue and mutual enrichment among people and nations, following the model provided by the musical technique of counterpoint.In this article we show the main ideas of the Palestinian thinker Edward Said about the possibility to establish bases for the Intercultural Dialogue by overcoming the exclusive semiological models, including that offered by the Hegemonic Imperial Discourse. Opposite to theory of cultural conflict between irreconcilable hegemonic structures, as proposed by authors like Samuel P. Huntington with his Clash of Civilizations paradigm, Edward Said advocates to promote discursive bases that facilitate coexistence, dialogue and mutual enrichment among people and nations, following the model provided by the musical technique of counterpoint.


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Said, E., Culture and Imperialism, Vintage, London, 1994.

Said, E., Beginnings: Intention and Method, Granta Books, London, 1997.

Said, E., «Fantasy’s Role in the Makind of Nations», Reflection on Exile and Other Essays, Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, pp. 411-436.



How to Cite

Cepedello Boiso, J. (2016). From the imperial discourse to the counterpoint theory. Semiological bases for the dialogue among civilizations in edward said’s oeuvre. International Journal of Political Thought, 6, 15–32.




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