Towards a political economy of republicanism: A critical assessment of alaska’s basic income scheme


  • David Casassas Universidad de Barcelona, Barcelona, España
  • Jurgen de Wispelaere Université de Montréal, Canadá



basic income, republicanism, libertarianism, socio-economic independence, concentrations of economic power, democratic control


In this article we present the basic ideas of republican political theory and demarcate the republican perspective from leftlibertarianism, which sees Alaska’s basic income model as its more natural and immediate institutional realization. We then address three sets of problems in the Alaska model: the lack of a substantial economic floor, the lack of limits on great accumulations of private economic power, and the lack of mechanisms of democratic control over the extraction, taxation and distribution of natural resources. For republicans to endorse the Alaska model, it will have to be modified extensively. We conclude that, while the Alaska model can be made compatible with the republican perspective in a weak sense, republicans should be cautious about defending the model in a strong sense.


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How to Cite

Casassas, D., & de Wispelaere, J. (2016). Towards a political economy of republicanism: A critical assessment of alaska’s basic income scheme. International Journal of Political Thought, 6, 165–192.


