Socialism and Basic Income: Republican Reasons for the Proposal


  • David Casassas Marqués Universidad de Barcelona, Barcelona, España
  • Julio Martínez-Cava Aguilar Universidad de Barcelona, Barcelona, España
  • Daniel Raventós Pañella Universidad de Barcelona, Barcelona, España



Basic income, Socialism, Spanish republicanism, Property, Liberty


This article offers a reconstruction of the socialist and republican normative principles that have been used throughout the last centuries to justify the basic income proposal. First, the historical precedents of this defence and the centrality of the issue of property rights are presented. Second, the specific contribution of the socialist tradition to these debates is clarified. The relevance of the basic income proposal for the contemporary world is finally assessed.


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How to Cite

Casassas Marqués, D. ., Martínez-Cava Aguilar, J. ., & Raventós Pañella, D. . (2021). Socialism and Basic Income: Republican Reasons for the Proposal. International Journal of Political Thought, 15, 37–56.



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