Bibliometric visualization analysis of teachers' work stress
Teachers, work stress, bibliometrics, VOSviewer, Scimago GraphicaAbstract
Teacher work stress has been a matter of great concern for scholars. To better comprehend the current state of research on teacher work stress, it is essential to present an overview of the literature on this topic. Through bibliometric analysis, 212 pieces of literature on teacher work stress retrieved from the Scopus database were scientifically analysed. Statistical analyses of the selected literature indicate that research on teacher work stress has exhibited a gradually increasing trend in recent years. The previous research focuses on job satisfaction, teacher self-efficacy, and job burnout. In addition, job burnout, turnover intention, resilience, university teachers, gender, and job performance are the current cutting-edge themes. Bibliometric analyses of the literature on teacher work stress can provide insight into the current state of related research and reveal hotspots and trends. This study could serve as a valuable reference for future researchers, helping them to gain a better understanding of the field's development direction and to devise effective strategies for managing work stress.Examining bibliometric data on teacher work stress can offer valuable insights into the present status of relevant research and identify key areas of focus and emerging patterns. This study could be a helpful resource for future researchers, both in their comprehension of the field's development trajectory and in the creation of effective ways for handling work stress.
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