Design of an instrument for the diagnosis of risk in children of basic residential centers of reception: CHSv1
Child welfare, children, educational diagnosis, screening tests, social skillsAbstract
In this article we propose the development and future validation of a screening or screening instrument to diagnose and evaluate minors in basic residential care centers. The elaborated instrument, CHSv1, is conceived as a screening tool for a first diagnosis of the risk of social exclusion and future maladjustment that allows to plan more adjusted educational interventions and make referrals to more specialized services or professionals. The dimensions that are intended to cover to diagnose the risk of social exclusion are: self-esteem; generalized self-efficacy; life satisfaction; optimism; frustration tolerance; planning and decision making; empathy; expression, management and recognition of emotions; and attachment to equals. In addition, the reference instruments reviewed and the reasons for not contemplating those that, finally, have not been chosen are indicated. The design contemplates the application of CHSv1 to a selected sample of minors residing in the province of Granada (Spain), making a contrast with the BASC standardized diagnostic test to perform the relevant sensitivity and predictivity analyzes. The article concludes with a section of conclusions and pointing out the limitations of the investigation.
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