Assessing Gamified Experiences in Physical Education Teachers and Students
Active learning,, creative thinking, education, educational games, motivationAbstract
One of the currently booming methodologies is gamification. Gamification in education involves the use of game mechanics in classroom. The game is treated as a motivating element in the classroom, while this methodology is considered active because the student must be active in the learning process. This methodology is considered active because it encourages students to be active in their learning process, making the teaching-learning process motivating and effective. To develop the research GAMEX scale (Gameful Experience in Gamification) is used to measures the gamified experience, this research analysed the gamification experience of 255 students and teachers in Andalusia in the area of Physical Education, a subject in which game-based learning is a widely used methodology. Among the main results obtained, we highlight as conclusions that gamification facilitates the development of creative thinking, a reduction in negative affect, and an improvement in collaboration. The effect of these types of experiences are similar in both students and teachers.
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