Physical Education and Sports Lesson in Distance Education: Content Analysis of Videos on Youtube
Distance education, Youtube, physical education and sports.Abstract
In this study, it was aimed to examine how physical education and sports teachers taught lessons in the distance education process and which activities they included in the course content during the Covid 19 pandemic process. The videos published under the title of distance education physical education and sports lessons written in Turkish on YouTube were analyzed. The videos were analyzed using content analysis technique. Three themes were obtained as a result of the content analysis. These are the themes of "educational games", "practice" and "theoretical expression". As a result of the study, it was concluded that it was tried to meet the movement needs of students through videos uploaded to YouTube under the title of distance education physical education and sports lessons, what students should do to protect their health is supported by information within the framework of "health - sports" and it was tried to make the process fun through educational games during the period of staying at home. It is recommended to provide an in-service training course for teachers on how to handle physical education and sports lessons through distance education, especially in the Covid 19 pandemic process.
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