Inactivity and stress brought about by the covid-19 pandemic: What is the situation with university students?
Covid-19, Physical Activity, Stress, StudentAbstract
The purpose of this study is to examine the physical activity levels of the before and during the pandemic, and the styles of coping with stress according to their physical activity levels, and the styles of coping with stress during the pandemic process according to gender of students Faculty of Sports Sciences. The research group of the study consists of 401 volunteer students (175 female; 206 male). The data were collected used the “International Physical Activity Questionnaire-Short Form (IPAQ-SF)”, and the “Ways of Coping Questionnaire” and personal information form. In the analysis of data; t test was used in pairwise comparisons and ANOVA test was used in multiple comparisons. According to the analysis results; During the Covid-19 pandemic, the physical activity rate decreased in both female and male students compared to the pre-pandemic period, and the physical activity level showed a significant difference in favor of male students according to the total MET score during the pandemic period. All students used the "confident approach" style the highest and the "submissive approach" the least in their coping styles; It was determined that girls used the submissive approach more than boys. A significant difference was found in the sub-dimensions of self-confident, helpless and optimistic approach according to physical activity levels. As a result, it can be said that the way of coping with stress of students with a high level of physical activity also affects positively. In this context, physical activity and exercise can be recommended to students in coping with stress.
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Copyright (c) 2021 MELEK GÜLER, Melek Kozak, Zehra Certel, Nazlı Yanar
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