Analysis of online engagement of students in emergency online learning
Covid-19, social needs, social interactions, cognitive engagement, behavioral engagement, emotional engagementAbstract
The spread of the COVID-19 virus has affected many organizations across the globe and has forced them to adapt and make use of a variety of emerging online communication technologies. However, because of the abrupt shift, the education sector has experienced challenges such as relative to students’ interaction and engagement with their peers and teachers. This study aimed to test the association among students’ (n=189) social needs, social interaction, and student engagement in emergency online learning platforms. Inferential statistics for this correlational study included Pearson correlation analysis, linear regression analysis, and analysis of variance. The results show a positive correlation among the variables, which means the engagement (cognitive, behavioral, and emotional) forms a set of indicators or predictors that can influence the student's social needs and social interaction in this emergency online learning platform. Thus, attaining engagement would create strong communication and meet the needs of the students, which will lead to good academic performance despite the challenges of emergency online learning.
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