Social Media in Higher Education
systematic literature review (2018-2023)
Teachers, Higher education, Literature review, Social MediaAbstract
This review describes the use of social media in higher education, emphasizing the practices and the roles of teachers, who perceive them as a distracting and addictive element as opposed to the perception of students. A systematic literature review was conducted (2018-2023), following the PRISMA protocol, were 71 articles extracted from the Wos and Scopus databases were analyzed to answer four general research questions. The evidence shows the importance of an active role in the teacher guiding emerging methologies during the teaching-learning process, in wich consequences appear that the authors classify as positive and negative based on three factors: social media, students and teachers. Social media are associated with learning results, use promotes motivation and commitment, generating better results. Due to the global nature of this resource and social, cultural and economic differences, a digital divide is created that hinders or favors the use of this resource as an educational tool.
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