About the Journal

Sociología del Deporte (SD) comes into existence with the aim of creating a space for reflection and debate on the sports phenomenon from the perspective of the social sciences. It intends to connect, in a rigorous scientific manner, the main theories and currents in sociology – but also those of related disciplines (anthropology, history, social psychology, sports sciences and political and moral philosophy) – with the current intellectual debate on the sports phenomenon. It will promote the study of the sports phenomenon as an expression of social reality and encourage the analysis of social facts and changes from the sports perspective. Thus, the journal is open to all researchers in the social sciences, independently of their degree of specialisation. Sociología del Deporte (SD) is beginning its publication in 2020 as a biannual journal, in paper and electronic formats. It aspires to becoming a reference at the international level, with the vocation of integrating existing debates on the sports phenomenon in Spain, Europe, Latin America and the rest of the world. This is why the journal publishes contributions in Castilian and English.

Peer Review. Each contribution that meets the requirements for evaluation, according to the criteria of the Editorial Board, will be submitted in an anonymized manner to the evaluation of at least two external specialists. These evaluators will issue a reasoned report on the scientific quality of the manuscript and whether or not it should be published, which will be taken into consideration by the Council. If there is no agreement between the evaluators, an additional evaluation by a third specialist may be requested.

Open Access. Its content is free and without charge to the user or the institution. Users may read, download, copy, print, search or link to the full texts of the articles or use them for any other legal purpose without seeking prior permission from the editor or author.

Sociología del Deporte is the official publication of the Sociology of Sports Research Committee of the Spanish Federation of Sociology (FES) and is edited by the Pablo de Olavide University of Seville.

“The opinions and facts presented in each article are the exclusive responsibility of the authors, as well as the credibility and authenticity of the work”