The male gaze and the projection of normative bodily femininity in advertising


  • Raúl Sánchez García UPM



Sexism, Advertising, Normative bodily femininity, Mountaineering/climbing


This paper presents a brief analysis of the projection of a normative bodily femininity linked to physical activity in the specific case of an advertisement that appears in a sports magazine. The advertisement is from the Fjäll Räven  and it appears in one of the issues of the magazine  Desnivel, specialized in mountaineering and climbing.

Despite the subtlety of the presentation, both of the images and the text linked to the advertisement, the sexism of a dominant male gaze is revealed. It reinforces the hegemonic gender meaning frameworks, contrasting body models and ways of carrying out sport and physical activity for men (e.g., activity, adventure, risk) and for women (e.g., passivity, aesthetics, sociability).


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Portada, Vol.5, Nº.1, Junio 2024



How to Cite

Sánchez García, R. (2024). The male gaze and the projection of normative bodily femininity in advertising. Sociología Del Deporte, 5(1), 1–6.

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