Psychological well-being and perceived life satisfaction, physical activity and sport and people mature adult and the elderly




Physical activity, Exercise, Quality of life, Unfolding analysis, Mature adult stage, Sport


In this article we analyze specifically the possible relationships or associations within different aspects of psychological well-being and perceived life satisfaction of the elderly, taking into account the intensity of their physical activity. Data items have been selected through stratified sampling by quotas with proportional affixation and a confidence level of 95%. Our analysis examines the associations within five categories using an unfolding model. The perception of psychological well-being and life satisfaction has been assessed by 14 statements. The study illustrates how elderly people who practice sports regularly and show an interest in them declare they feel good about themselves, can accomplish every challenge, set themselves goals that give meaning to their lives, have friends they can trust and feel full satisfaction with their current life.


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Portada Volumen 1, Número 2, Sociología del Deporte (SD)



How to Cite

Aquino Llinares, N., & Gavala González, J. (2020). Psychological well-being and perceived life satisfaction, physical activity and sport and people mature adult and the elderly. Sociología Del Deporte, 1(2), 49–59.

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