Physical exercise in times of social isolation

A Bourdieusian reflection on tastes and distinction




COVID-19, Exercise, Inequality, Capital, Habitus


Since its recent outbreak and its rapid global spread, the COVID-19 pandemic has led to an unprecedented health and social crisis. Millions of people found their daily lives disrupted and have been confined for several weeks with the aim of reducing the contagion curve and preventing the collapse of health systems. Being aware of the risks to physical and mental health associated with a sedentary lifestyle, public authorities have attempted to promote an active lifestyle through physical exercise at home. Based on some of the sociological categories established by Pierre Bourdieu, this reflective article aims to discuss the realization (or not), by different sectors of the population, of physical exercise at home in the current context of confinement. Our position is that, in unequal social structures, typical of neoliberal states, the most disadvantaged sectors cannot even consider exercising. Strategies that focus on individual motivation not only cannot be effective, but also blame those who have no capital and no disposition to train in their homes.


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Portada Volumen 1, Número 1, Sociología del Deporte (SD)



How to Cite

Mateu, P., & Rodrigues Marques, R. F. (2020). Physical exercise in times of social isolation: A Bourdieusian reflection on tastes and distinction. Sociología Del Deporte, 1(1), 51–60.