An approach to sex-affeective dynamics in sports teams: on the normalization of the vulnerability




sport, gender, emotions, Sexual abuse, Sexual harassment


This paper offers an approach to the sex-affective dynamics in young sports teams, with the intention of pointing out the tolerance and normalization
observed in practices of sexual abuse and sexual harassment. In this way, within a previous investigation in the sociology of sport, the study of these logics that can promote the perpetuation of vulnerable sports spaces, based on strong systems of obedience and exposure of power, as well as a characteristic intensity and emotional expression. This article ponder on the sex-affective dynamics in young sports teams.


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How to Cite

Blanco-García, M. E. . (2022). An approach to sex-affeective dynamics in sports teams: on the normalization of the vulnerability. Sociología Del Deporte, 3(1), 39–50.