Elements for a holistic methodology of socio-educational intervention through sport: the ISSOK Model





Human Rights, Sport, Positive Development, Human Development, Skills for life, ISSOK model


The interest around sport as a tool for the human development of populations has been growing since the beginning of the century. The United Nations and UNICEF agree in recognizing the contribution of sport to the human and healthy development of children, its potential in promoting peace, health and well-being and its ability to transmit values. However, some research makes it possible to question the effectiveness of initiatives promoted in this field because they do not take into account the ambivalent nature of sport, which requires the use of adequate strategies and methodological models depending on the objectives pursued. From the conviction that the ability of sport to develop life skills will depend on the strategies used and who does it and how, "Sport makes us equal" and the ISSOK Model were born, a project and methodology focused on personal and social transformation that incorporates into practice sports a methodology designed so that children and adolescents can develop their personal and social skills. Positive development through sport and physical education represents a new approach for social intervention given its ability to translate the ideology of human development into concrete practices.


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How to Cite

Fernández Benito, R., & Abellán Muñoz, J. C. (2022). Elements for a holistic methodology of socio-educational intervention through sport: the ISSOK Model. Sociología Del Deporte, 3(1), 51–64. https://doi.org/10.46661/socioldeporte.6842