Sociological approaches to the practice of football coaches in Chile.


  • Rodrigo Figueroa Valenzuela Universidad de Chile
  • Patricio Carvajal-Paredes Universidad del Desarrollo



Habitus, Agency, Motor Action, Field, Football Coaches


This article examines the practices of soccer coaches in Chile. The thesis guiding this study suggests that these practices reflect specific skills that are influenced by the structural conditions of society. To evaluate this thesis, a sociological perspective based on the works of French sociologists Pierre Bourdieu and Pierre Parlebas is employed. The research adopts a qualitative approach, consisting of nine semi-structured interviews conducted with professional trainers. Through the analysis of these interviews, a set of distinct abilities possessed by the coaches in managing their teams is identified, along with an exploration of how these abilities are shaped by sociocultural aspects, institutions, and the broader context of Chilean society and the soccer field. The findings of this investigation lead to the conclusion, echoing the words of Eduardo Galeano, that "tell me where you are from, and I will tell you how they trained you in soccer.


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How to Cite

Figueroa Valenzuela, R., & Carvajal-Paredes, P. (2023). Sociological approaches to the practice of football coaches in Chile. Sociología Del Deporte, 4(1), 67–74.