
  • Volumen 4, Número 2

    Gender Inequalities and Sexual Violence in Football and Sports in Spain
    Vol. 4 No. 2 (2023)

    Special on gender inequalities and sexual violence in football and sports in Spain.

    We want to recognize and thank The Conversation for its collaboration in this section, which has contributed through its medium to generating a debate about the situation of female athletes in Spain in recent months, thanks to authors from different Spanish Universities. This section represents an expansion in length and analysis of these contributions for the current issue of Sociology of Sport.

  • Volumen 3, Número 2

    Ethnographies of sports and physical activities
    Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022)

    This monographic number tries to account for the relevance of the use of the ethnographic method when generating research in the social sciences. Although the ethnographic method has come to be the defining mark of anthropology, it was also widely used from its beginnings in sociology; Already in the 1920s, the Chicago school produced interesting ethnographies on the living conditions of different population groups that arrived en masse and populated the cities, raising a series of questions and problems from the point of view of urban planning and forms of coexistence.

    In this monograph we find different studies that apply the ethnographic method to research that has to do with physical activity and sports. The issue is made up of two articles from the special section, six research articles and a book review on sports ethnography. It should be noted that the research articles produce an in-depth dialogue between studies carried out on both sides of the Atlantic: cities located in the Spanish and Mexican states. On the other hand, from a gender perspective we detected the total absence of women in the special issue, which should prompt us to seriously reflect on the factors that are influencing the low female participation in sports ethnographic research.

  • Football, gender, social inclusion and sport in Andalusia
    Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022)

    After these first two years of publication of the magazine, deeply marked by the reality of the pandemic, both in sports and in everyday life in general, Sociology of Sport continues to grow and is already indexed in Latindex and DOAJ, waiting to enter at Eric Plus during the second semester. Although we are already in a scenario that could be called post-COVID and most of the papers presented in this new issue no longer mention this circumstance, we are still going to find research referring to it (see, for example, one of the contributions of the Special Section on the sociology of sport in Andalusia). In this first issue of the third volume that sees the light in June 2022, four research articles are published, one publication within the Special Section on sports sociology studies in Andalusia and two reviews of relevant publications.

  • Rethinking sport
    Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021)

  • Portada del Volumen 1, Número 1, de la revista Sociología del Deporte (SD)

    Special Issue on Sport and COVID-19
    Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020)

    The journal begins its activity collecting in its first issue unpublished nine contributions of the sociology of sport that analyze the sporting phenomenon in the context of the global epidemiological crisis caused by COVID-19. In this context, the editorial team could not remain oblivious to the need to analyze and respond to the main vicissitudes and concerns that draw the current scenario of the sport, making a call and, in turn, directly inviting members of its national and international editorial team, to animate the debate on sport on the stage in which we find ourselves.