Building critical teachers through the biographical-narrative method
Narrative, Biographical-narrative Method, Qualitative methodology, Teaching, Teachers, Student teaching, AssessmentAbstract
The narrative biographical method is the focus of this qualitative research. The objective is to show the validity of this method as a training strategy for future teachers. A strategy that improves the capacity of critical analysis and with that, of reformulation of the budgets of the school culture. The sample is composed of 383 students of the Master's Degree in Secondary Education Teaching of the University of Extremadura (Spain). When applying this method in teacher training programs, there is an alternative to traditional research, training and social action. As a result, three resources are cultivated to train future teachers at the same time; As the students learn the method, they carry out an evaluation process, which is useful for their training and future competence as professionals. Therefore, the students themselves acquire a heuristic and hermeneutical process to evaluate and become researchers of their own professional prospective and experience.
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