Design and 3d printing of face shields by university teachers to protect healthcare personnel against the Covid-19




COVID-19, Emerging technologies, 3D modeling, 3D printing, Makerspaces


Since the World Health Organization elevated the public health emergency situation caused by COVID-19 to an international pandemic, the rapid evolution of events, at the national and international levels, has required the adoption of immediate and effective measures. to face this situation. In this context, initiatives and solutions have emerged from solidarity and innovation, with the aim of alleviating the shortage of medical equipment and personal protective equipment. 3D printing has been a technological alternative successfully used to provide a quick and effective response to the need to manufacture sanitary and protective materials for professionals. At an educational level, the emergence of 3D printing technology presents the challenge of knowing how these technological means can support teaching-learning activities, used as a way to acquire knowledge and develop organizational and creative capacities, as well as that of “maker” culture, in which individuals are encouraged to create artifacts adapted to their needs or improve existing ones, using technology. As teachers we must educate to cooperate, instill values​​..., setting an example for our students, future teachers in initial training.

Design and 3d printing of 8656 face screen protectors with the involvement of university teachers in a maker group for two months, design programs such as Tinkercad, Blender (Windows 10), OpenScad, FreeCad, among others; and approximately 80 printers, working for the common good, cooperation, social justice, equity and solidarity, we will achieve a better society for all.


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Author Biography

Carlos Hervás-Gómez, Universidad de Sevilla

Dpto. Didáctica y Organización Educativa Dpt.of teaching and Educational OrganizationProfesor Titular de Universidad


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How to Cite

Hervás-Gómez, C., Román Graván, P. ., Domínguez-González, M. Ángeles ., & Reina Parrado, M. (2020). Design and 3d printing of face shields by university teachers to protect healthcare personnel against the Covid-19. IJERI: International Journal of Educational Research and Innovation, (15), 35–56.




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