Online Education amid COVID-19 Crisis
Issues and Challenges at Higher Education Level in Pakistan
online education, COVID-19, higher education, digital divide, technologyAbstract
The objective of this study is to examine the main constraints experienced in the online mode of education during this pandemic at higher education level in Pakistan. The COVID-19 pandemic credibly transformed the method of learning and teaching from face to face to online. In unexpected sudden septicity, universities in Pakistan have started online education without proper instructional provision and relevant experience. For this purpose, the data is collected from 750 students and teachers across all over the regions in Pakistan. The study has used partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM). The findings show that technological bottlenecks, institutional preparedness, and digital divide are significant challenges. The differences in perceptions of rural and urban areas are also very important referring to several policies implications, implementing information communication technology (ICT), friendly curriculums, enhancing online accessibility and infrastructure development. This study contributes to help universities for developing effective e-learning policies for students in the situation of COVID-19.
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