
Publicación de la obra "Sociología del Deporte"


Sociología del Deporte, David Moscoso y Raúl Sánchez (Eds). Dykinson, Madrid, 294 páginas

Miembros del Comité de Investigación de Sociología del Deporte de la Federación Española de Sociología (FES), junto a otros/as colegas, publican un manual fresco y nutrido de temas de actualidad, gracias a la colaboración de 37 expertos y expertas en la materia. Una obra de gran utilidad para su uso en la docencia de esta asignatura en el Grado de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y el Deporte, como también para ponerse al día en asuntos de actualidad social y interés intelectual en relación al fenómeno deportivo.

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Current Issue

Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024): Presentation. Current topics in Sociology of Sports
Volumen 5, Número 1, Junio 2024
Published: 2024-07-09
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Sociología del Deporte (SD) comes into existence with the aim of creating a space for reflection and debate on the sports phenomenon from the perspective of the social sciences. It intends to connect, in a rigorous scientific manner, the main theories and currents in sociology – but also those of related disciplines (anthropology, history, social psychology, sports sciences and political and moral philosophy) – with the current intellectual debate on the sports phenomenon. It will promote the study of the sports phenomenon as an expression of social reality and encourage the analysis of social facts and changes from the sports perspective. Thus, the journal is open to all researchers in the social sciences, independently of their degree of specialisation. Sociología del Deporte (SD) is beginning its publication in 2020 as a biannual journal, in paper and electronic formats. It aspires to become a reference at the international level, with the vocation of integrating existing debates on the sports phenomenon in Spain, Europe, Latin America and the rest of the world. This is why the journal publishes contributions in Spanish and English.


“The opinions and facts presented in each article are the exclusive responsibility of the authors, as well as the credibility and authenticity of the work”