Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Football, gender, social inclusion and sport in Andalusia

					View Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Football, gender, social inclusion and sport in Andalusia

After these first two years of publication of the magazine, deeply marked by the reality of the pandemic, both in sports and in everyday life in general, Sociology of Sport continues to grow and is already indexed in Latindex and DOAJ, waiting to enter at Eric Plus during the second semester. Although we are already in a scenario that could be called post-COVID and most of the papers presented in this new issue no longer mention this circumstance, we are still going to find research referring to it (see, for example, one of the contributions of the Special Section on the sociology of sport in Andalusia). In this first issue of the third volume that sees the light in June 2022, four research articles are published, one publication within the Special Section on sports sociology studies in Andalusia and two reviews of relevant publications.

Published: 2022-07-08


Special Section