Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Ethnographies of sports and physical activities

Volumen 3, Número 2

This monographic number tries to account for the relevance of the use of the ethnographic method when generating research in the social sciences. Although the ethnographic method has come to be the defining mark of anthropology, it was also widely used from its beginnings in sociology; Already in the 1920s, the Chicago school produced interesting ethnographies on the living conditions of different population groups that arrived en masse and populated the cities, raising a series of questions and problems from the point of view of urban planning and forms of coexistence.

In this monograph we find different studies that apply the ethnographic method to research that has to do with physical activity and sports. The issue is made up of two articles from the special section, six research articles and a book review on sports ethnography. It should be noted that the research articles produce an in-depth dialogue between studies carried out on both sides of the Atlantic: cities located in the Spanish and Mexican states. On the other hand, from a gender perspective we detected the total absence of women in the special issue, which should prompt us to seriously reflect on the factors that are influencing the low female participation in sports ethnographic research.

Published: 2022-12-23