Digital literacy of Latin American university students
Digital Literacy, Higher Education, Technological Literacy, gender, ageAbstract
This research is a first approach to the study of the self-perceived digital competence of Latin American students with a broad sample of 5 countries in the region. For the collection of data we have used INCOTIC instrument adapted to the Latin American context.
Variables under study are: Information literacy, technological literacy, multimedia literacy and communicative literacy; analyzing data by countries and comparing the results for each of them according to age and gender.
It is detected that the country with the lowest score obtained in the analyzed literacies is Ecuador, with Chile and Colombia being the countries with the highest score. In addition, interesting differences are observed when deepening by gender and age in each literacy.
Specifically, the highest DAI is in the age range between 24-31 years, and the DAT, DAM and DAC is in the range of 28-31 years. In the case of women, the highest DAI is in the age range between 20-27 years, and DAT, DAM and DAC are in the range of 28-31 years.
It is expected to design the guidelines of a Digital Literacy Plan for university students with proposals for earch university that will be the input for researchers from each country to contextualize their realities with emphasis on informational skills, due to the importance they have in the achievement of studies university and subsequent work performance.
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