Analysis of teachers' digital competencies from assessment frameworks and instruments
Academic training, digital transformation of teachers, technological competencies, competency frameworks, assessment toolsAbstract
The technologicalisation of society has posed a great challenge for 21st century education, which has had to face it in order to provide quality digital literacy. These accelerated changes have repercussions in a number of areas, including the professionalisation of teachers due to the difficulties they face in updating their knowledge and adapting to the rapid pace of technology.
Digital technologies are now indispensable in the working, social, economic, sporting, artistic, cultural, scientific and academic environments and are an essential element for academic and professional training. All of this highlights the need for a digital transformation in teaching and the acquisition of technological competences that respond to current challenges and thus offer comprehensive training for life, enabling evolution in the digital era and opening paths towards new, meaningful and innovative pedagogical practices.
This study focuses on analysing the different existing competency frameworks necessary for teachers to develop throughout their professional and personal careers, as well as the importance of assessing their level of competence and knowing how to diagnose, in this way, the CDD acquired through various instruments of different typologies created for this purpose.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Lorena Martín Párraga, Carmen Llorente-Cejudo, Julio Cabero-Almenara

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