Demographics and job satisfaction as predictors of mental well-being of Filipino teachers
A web-based survey two years after the onset of pandemic
Job satisfaction, mental health, Philippines, teachers, well-beingAbstract
Teachers worldwide have had to change how they work because of the COVID-19 health crisis. These work changes and pandemic challenges have affected teachers in one way or another. There is a need to investigate teachers' welfare and how contented they are with their jobs two years after the onset of the pandemic and nationwide lockdown. This study examined the factors predicting the subjective mental well-being of teachers in the Philippines. Using a cross-sectional study design, the survey responses of 218 Filipino teachers were analyzed. Data were gathered electronically using the demographic profile form, a short version of the Warwick–Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale, and the Short Index of Job Satisfaction. Results indicated that the majority of teachers had average to high job satisfaction and average subjective mental well-being. Regression analysis revealed that the type of school employed, residence, and job satisfaction were significant predictors of the mental well-being of teachers. This study affirms that certain demographic variables and satisfaction at work exert a positive influence on the mental health of teachers. Continuously making improvements in the working conditions of teachers and devising ways to enhance their well-being are vital.
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How to Cite
Copyright (c) 2024 Ryan Michael Oducado, Mary Kristine Amboy, Baby Rose Robles, Daisy Rosano, Hilda Montaño, Dolly Rose Temelo, Ayesha Penuela, Arlyn Salistre, Liza Marie Ramirez, Khen Tamdang

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