Relationship among the Actors and Levels of Trust in Secondary Education Centers of the Guayaquil Canton (Ecuador)


  • Mónica Rebeca Franco Pombo Universidad Católica Santiago de Guayaquil
  • María del Mar Fernández Martínez Universidad de Almería
  • Antonio Luque de la Rosa Universidad de Almería
  • Rafaela Gutiérrez Cáceres Universidad de Almería



School climate, perception, innovation, reform


The public policy of Ecuador has placed the improvement of educational quality as one of the main objectives of government management. The climate-school constructs, organizational climate, work climate, and institutional climate, are used in different environments to accentuate the importance of the relationship established between a management environment ­ factor and the quality of results in organizations.

Throughout this study, the objective has been to analyze the variations in the relationship among the actors, and the levels of trust between the actors of the school organizational climate, according to the socioeconomic level, the role played in the educational community, or the type of socio-educational center. 

The study follows a new approach of an experimental, descriptive-comparative investigation, using techniques such as the survey, the interview, and the discussion group, adjusting to the mixed methodology according to the objectives and sense of the research proposed.

In consideration of the results, we will appreciate that the relationships between the actors and the confidence levels of the actors show mostly positive indicators based on the responses of the participants in the study. However, the percentage of negative perceptions (24.34%) is a factor to consider, since it might suggest that these perceptions underlie indicators of distrust that should be taken into account for any future interventions.

In conclusion, the schools participating in this study have built a mostly positive school organizational climate, which generates favorable spaces for innovation and change processes.


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How to Cite

Franco Pombo, M. R., Fernández Martínez, M. del M., Luque de la Rosa, A., & Gutiérrez Cáceres, R. (2019). Relationship among the Actors and Levels of Trust in Secondary Education Centers of the Guayaquil Canton (Ecuador). IJERI: International Journal of Educational Research and Innovation, (12), 184–202.




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