Analysis of the motivations of the university teaching staff of the Faculty of Architecture of the San Carlos University of Guatemala for permanent training
Continuing education, teacher perception, motivation, educational qualityAbstract
In the world, teacher training is a subject that is constantly under investigation, it can be said that it does not go out of style because it is one of the main issues that tend to be related to the quality of teaching. The teaching staff must have greater relevance as a factor in the influence of current professional practices and the continuing education they develop is key in the updating and quality of their teaching practice.
Through this study, the objective was the analysis of the perceptions of teachers of the Faculty of Architecture of the University of San Carlos de Guatemala (USAC) about the motivations that this group presents to participate in the teacher training program of the USAC.
Thus, through an descriptive exploratory study through an opinion questionnaire, the interpretation of the results obtained categorized in a series of motivational factors of such participation in the program was raised.
As conclusions, the purpose of innovating stands out, with the purpose of improving the educational quality in its development as well as the concern to improve the level of scientific content and psycho-pedagogical training, although the need to bring this program closer to the needs is appreciated Teachers' daily practices and the possibility of applying them in the classroom to the learning obtained in the training activities proposed.
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Copyright (c) 2020 María del Mar Fernández Martínez, Antonio Luque de la Rosa, José Juán Carrión Martínez, Edwin Francisco Valdez Contreras

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