The rugby training in coaches from Almeria




Rugby coach training, initial training, skills training, sports education


The sport practice has increased during the last decades, which has propitiated that sport became a great social, educational and politic phenomenon. Therefore, governments of developed countries have increased the investment in the coaching development. Research shows the importance of the theoretical and practical bases for coaching transmitted in formal training activities, however is also questioned the effectiveness of these type of courses. Consequently, it is critical to study and to know more about these training processes. In this study, it have been sought to better understand the reality of the rugby training courses in the province of Almería (Spain). It have been carried out a quantitative methodology, via a questionnaire, which achieved related data for the initial formation of the coaches. Once the process of elaboration of the instrument was concluded, it was applied to 27 rugby coaches in the province of Almería. In this sense, a descriptive analysis was performed, and according to the most relevant results, it can be deducted that the most of the rugby coaches surveyed have the minimum level of coaching certification, and that they agree with the duration, content and distribution of theoretical and practical activities during the courses carried out by the Andalusian federation.


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2019-06-18 — Updated on 2019-06-18

How to Cite

López Muñiz, G. ., López Meneses, E. ., Jaenes Sánchez, J. C. ., & Arenas- Muñiz, C. . (2019). The rugby training in coaches from Almeria. IJERI: International Journal of Educational Research and Innovation, (12), 233–244.




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