The level of digital literacy in English teacher in Primary Education
Digital literacy, teachers, primary school, ICTsAbstract
The inclusion of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in people's daily lives, as well as their influence on the development of multiple professional and personal spheres, has taken on a notorious role for society when it comes to being communicated and informed. This is leading to the creation of numerous jobs that, until a few years ago, did not exist. Because of this, education must respond to the needs and realities that exist today and offer students a quality education. In this way, current education professionals must be trained and updated in order to meet and attend to the needs of students in the new media and digital environment. The objective of this study is to know the degree of digital literacy, as well as the instruments used by English teachers in the Primary Education stage. To this end, research has been carried out using a quantitative methodology with the participation of a total of 112 educators specialising in English from the Community of Madrid, through the creation of a survey. Among the most outstanding results, it can be pointed out that teachers are committed to the use of ICT in their classrooms. However, they present a medium-low training in the subject. In conclusion, it should be pointed out that the level of digital literacy among teaching staff must be as optimal as possible, thus offering a response in accordance with society's demand.
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